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Embodied-Relational Living® Counselling, Psychotherapy & Supervision in Bristol & Online

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'When you feel at home in who you are growth happens naturally'

- Louise Forrest

About Louise Forrest

I am a BACP registered and accredited counsellor who holds an Advanced Diploma in Relational Supervision. I have been in private practice since 2004. I also work as Lead Counsellor for a Bristol-based charity offering short-term counselling to clients who have experienced a stroke. In this role, I deliver courses based on Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Mindfulness sessions, as well as supervise volunteer counsellors.

Prior to training as a counsellor, I was self-employed as a stress management consultant.  Since qualifying, I have been a counselling lecturer at an FE college, an adult education tutor for counselling skills and a tutor on the Advanced Diploma in Counselling at Network Counselling & Training (Bristol).  I have experience of counselling NHS staff, HE students and people who have been bereaved in a hospice. In other roles, I have supported people with disabilities, older people and those with severe mental health issues.

My Approach

I work in a person-centred, empathic and relational way, bringing my skills, knowledge and presence to you and your challenges. Mindfulness helps me stay present while you explore difficult issues that might be troubling you. My aim is to support you to embrace your feelings (without judgement), attend to your underlying needs and find clarity through this process. I trust that, if you feel heard at a deep level you'll know what you need in order to become the best version of you.

At times I may invite you to bring more awareness to your body, to explore links between your mental-emotional states and any physical sensations. But I am equally at home with creative process and its need for expression - perhaps the use of metaphor or working with objects available in the room. You're welcome to refer to your journal, art or other things in sessions, if they help you to connect with your deeper thoughts and feelings.

    My Specialisms Include:

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Health-Related Issues
  • Carers Stress
  • Loss & Bereavement
  • Confidence & Self-Esteem
  • Mindfulness

To read more about Louise's work, click the relevant image below:

About Louise. individual-shanti-card

Individual Therapy Louise

About Louise. supervision-shanti-card

Supervision with Louise

Training & Qualifications

  • Certificate in Online & Telephone Counselling (2023-24, Counselling Tutor)
  • Advanced Diploma in Relational Supervision (2017-18, Severn Talking Therapy)
  • Embodied Dance Journey Facilitator (2015-17, The Dancing Heart Path School, CZ)
  • Certificate in Spiritual Companionship (2008-09, Foundation for Holistic Spirituality)
  • Diploma in Counselling & Psychotherapy (2001-03, University of Warwick)
  • Certificate in Person-Centred (Rogerian) Counselling (2000-01, University of Warwick)
  • Diploma in Stress Management (1999-2000, Kevala Centre, International Yoga School)
  • Certificate in Psychology (1999-2000, University of Warwick)

Other Experience & Professional Development 

  • How to do Counselling Online: Coronavirus Primer' (July-2020, Open University) 
  • Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (2019, Association of Psychological Therapies)
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) & Energy Tools (2018, LouAnne Lachmann) 
  • Solution-Focused Brief Therapy & Suicide Prevention (2013, John Henderson Consultancy)
  • Solution-Focused Communication (2011, Zebra Collective)
  • Trainer in 'The Endorphin Effect' (2009, Foundation for Holistic Spirituality)
  • Reconnective Healing & 'The Reconnection' (2008-15, Dr Eric Pearl's Worldwide Team)
  • Lecturer in Counselling at Certificate & Diploma Levels (2007-08, Warwickshire College)
  • Stress Management Consultant & Trainer (2000-03, RealizeIt Consultancy Ltd)

Professional Membership

I am an accredited member of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) and work to their ethical framework.  They have a formal process for hearing complaints if they cannot be resolved by talking to me. I am continually growing and developing as a professional and have supervision for all my therapeutic work.

About Louise. LogoLouise

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