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Embodied-Relational Living® Counselling, Psychotherapy & Supervision in Bristol & Online

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Counselling & Psychotherapy in Bristol

Face-to Face and Online with ...
Michael Forrest, MBACP (Accred)

Counselling & Psychotherapy with Michael

Working in an embodied-relational way, I offer a safe and empathic space for you to explore anything that may be troubling you - it may be a challenge or difficulty you're currently facing, a feeling of unease and dissatisfaction with your life or the need to come to terms with something from your past. Over time, I aim to help you develop a greater self-awareness and inner resilience to support you in all areas of your life.

My Approach

I recognises that early life experiences and relationships may have shaped how you see the world. They can also have a profound impact on your sense of self. You may have needed to disconnect from your experience at times just to survive emotional pain. This is a natural way of coping for a time, but if left in place permanently, can reduce your ability to be spontaneous and fully engage in life.

I have compassion for others who are struggling, as I've had a deep therapeutic journey myself. I recognise it's important to develop inner resources before working with strong emotions that can arise in therapy. Any resources and skills you develop whilst with me, add to your on-going inner resilience. I offer my presence as an anchor whilst guiding you gently and compassionately into an awareness of your inner experience. Over time, you build the capacity to stay with this and what you meet there. Experiencing at a body level what has previously been avoided is the key to resolving trauma. Sometimes, it also leads to insight and deeper understanding.

My presence, combined with yours, can be a powerful force to bring forth that which is most calling your attention for healing. This might be something you are aware of already or something just beyond the edge of your awareness. I can help you track and navigate your inner landscape, staying with your unfolding experience in the body. But it is also important to identify and develop inner resources before working with challenging experiences. This is also part of the work I can do with you and these resources support integration between sessions and your on-going resilience.

The therapeutic relationship we establish is fundamental to the work we do and can be a rich ground for learning and understanding. It can, especially in longer-term work, mirror and shed light on other relationships in your life. My reflections and feedback may help you to see and understand this at a deeper level - allowing you to make more conscious choices moving forward.

    My Specialisms Include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Anger Issues
  • Relationship Issues
  • Couples Work
  • Loss & Bereavement
  • Confidence & Self-Esteem
  • Mindfulness

To read about my Couples Counselling and Supervision work, click the images below:

With Michael. couples-michael-card

Couples Counselling Michael

With Michael. about-michael-card

Supervision with Michael

Professional Membership

I am an accredited member of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) and work to their ethical framework.  They have a formal process for hearing complaints if they cannot be resolved by talking to me. I am continually growing and developing as a professional and have supervision for all my therapeutic work.

With Michael. LogoMichael

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